0151 23040251


Register now for November Retreat

Early booking discount available


19th until 21 November 2021

‚Change‘ determines and influences our lives. Everything that begins, also ends. Yet the processes of Change can often unsettle us – in our personal lives, as well as with the way we interact with the society. On this Kundalini Yoga Weekend Retreat, we will crawl into a cocoon and see what comes out.

This Retreat will also be led by the qualified Kundalini Yoga teacher, Shanti Devnam Kaur, and will include the Kundalini Yoga and Meditation teachings, along with Mantra, Gong, Dance and Nature workshops. The concepts of the 10 spiritual bodies and the life cycles will also be introduced.

It will be hosted in the beautiful Yoga-House near Dresden, where the modest organic rooms fashioned from wood and clay provide a perfect environment for your stay. We will spend our time with both eachother, and with time for reflection on our own.  We will share the cooking of our vegetarian meals together.

Maximum number of Participants – 8

German/ English

Friday from 6 p.m., until Sunday 2 p.m.
Cost   € 280.  Reserve your place by 30 September and pay 260€ .

In the circumstance that the retreat must be cancelled due to Corona restrictions, all money will be refunded, or could be used for another Retreat at a later date.

The retreat was an blissful experience that opened a door for me.


„During the pandemic I was presented with the opportunity to join Shanti Devnams class. Despite me not speaking German the class has held and moved me on with my spiritually journey and encouraged a new level of commitment within me. I feel the class has the balance of practise, explanation and collective energy and is something exquisite to experience. I’ve committed to visiting Germany for the retreat in November, something that I feel excited about and lucky to have the opportunity. Sat Nam“
